The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition

Julieanna Hever, a fellow Dietitian, starts her book by reviewing the why behind eating plants. She keeps it simple by emphasizing that whole plant-based foods optimize health and prevent disease. As the title suggest, this is a straight-forward and easy to use book.

The recommended eating strategy is based on a simple plate: 1/4 of the plate legumes, 1/4 veggies, 1/4 grains and 1/4 fruit. The recipes in the back of the book put this strategy into action.

With simple and practical recommendations, specific populations are addressed – eating for exercise, pregnancy, kids and seniors eating plant based and athlete considerations. All of these populations can not only survive, but thrive when eating whole, plant based foods.

There are also discussions about the typical diseases. These all lead to the conclusion that, for any ailment, eating whole plant based foods will result in vastly improved health.

Impossible to miss, Hever joins so many other nutrition experts in highlighting the importance of eating green leafy veggies. These benefits can never be overstated:
– Weight management
– Cancer-fighting
– Prevent clogged arteries
– Decrease risk of type 2 diabetes
– Boost immunity
– Great for bone health


Get the book from Amazon here ->The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition

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